Friday, February 21, 2014


            Mormonism (officially called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) is a fascinating “cult”, and they are growing. There are now around 7 million in the world. While that’s not a huge number by any means, the astonishing fact is how many famous mormons there are. From CEOs to politicians, they are where the action is.
            A quick note: they hate being called a cult. However, that is what they are. A Christian cult is one that borrows a lot of Christian doctrines but changes some of its core beliefs. Let’s get to it:

How They Explain the World Around Us

             They believe, as most religions do, that pain and suffering exists because of disobedience to (a) god (whom they call the Heavenly Father). They hold the Bible to be true (as long as it is translated correctly. Joseph Smith began… uh… “correcting” the Bible to make it fit his beliefs. He didn’t get to finish his personalized Bible before he was murdered in a jail cell).
             However, the church became corrupt soon after the New Testament was finished, and it wasn’t until Joseph Smith in the 1820s that the true church was formed again. They used to hold to this belief to the point where all “other” denominations (they think of themselves as Christians) were abominable and incorrect. The Heavenly Father gave Joseph Smith another divine book called the Book of Mormon to restore things.
            They also have an interesting take on Adam and Eve. Yes, they disobeyed God and ate the fruit (with pain and suffering following). However, this was a good thing (!) because it let humans, for the first time, truly experience joy and try to become like the Heavenly Father. I guess being perfect and always joyful isn’t like God at all…

Their Belief in How the World Started

            Just like Christians, some Mormons are Young Earth Creationists and some are Old Earth Creationists (day-age, theistic evolutionists, gap theory, etc.). I do not believe the LDS Church takes a stance on this issue.
            Also, they believe their god (the Heavenly Father) doesn’t create, he just takes what is there and organizes it. That’s why Mormons are so goal-oriented and organized. Their god is like that. Also, the Heavenly Father was once a human who eventually became god.
            This is the goal of Mormons. They want to become gods and have their own planets that they get to populate, just like their Heavenly Father did. Oh, and they also believe in a Heavenly Mother, because you need two to tango (and have a Son).

How They Believe the World Will End

            Mormons believe something similar to Christians in this area. There will be some amazing signs and some tough trials. Israel will be gathered and the Heavenly Father’s faithful (known as Zion) will continue to be obedient. The Son will come back and rule the world, which will be a paradise.
            (Update on 2/28/14: They also believe in three heavens. The celestial salvation is the awesome one (mormons go here). The terrestrial salvation is for all the good non-mormons. It's like earth now. Then there is the telestial salvation (not Hell) for all the bad people. It's like the bad parts of a city.)

Their Belief in What We Should Be Doing in the Mean Time

            Mormons are very into success and earning things. They are very patriotic, for they believe that Jesus will come back and rule from America and Israel. Because of America's importance in the end times, they need to build it up into the best nation possible. They also believe that whatever they learn in this life stays with them throughout eternity. That is why they go to the best universities possible and often go to graduate school.
            They are extremely family-oriented, because the family they have now was predestined back in eternity past and will stay together in eternity future. That’s why their families are large and loving.
            But with this family atmosphere and works-oriented mindset comes extreme pressure to perform (like in Japan and other countries). A person should never bring dishonor to his family and he has to succeed. There is a lot of stress behind their friendly demeanor. No wonder, their future depends on what they do on earth.
            (Update on 2/28/14: like all religions, Mormons believe in a works-based salvation)
Their Differences from Christianity

             Many websites go through the differences between this cult and Christianity. I’ll go through some differences quickly and leave some links:

1. Mormonism: Jesus is Satan’s brother.

Christianity: Jesus is God. Therefore He created Satan. (Colossians 1:15-17)
2. Mormonism: Everyone can become a god.

Christianity: There is only one God (three in one). (1 Kings 8:60)

3. Mormonism: Adam and Eve’s sin was good in that it allowed the rest of mankind to be created and for humans to truly experience fellowship with the Heavenly Father.

Christianity: Through Adam and Eve pain and suffering entered the world. Their disobedience was a BAD thing because it eternally separated humans from God (and means some people are going to Hell). Only the death of Jesus and the acceptance/faith of Him as Savior brings us back to a relationship with God. (Basically Genesis and the Gospels)

4. Mormonism: The Heavenly Father had sex with the Heavenly Mother (Mary) to produce Jesus. Somehow she remained a virgin even after impregnation.

Christianity: Uh, no. Mary was engaged to Joseph when she became pregnant, and she was a literal, real virgin. You know, not the type of virgin who is still a virgin after having sex with a Heavenly Father. Not that type of virgin (still trying to figure out how that is possible). (Luke 1:34-35)

5. I could go on, and on, and on, and on. Some other differences are that Mormons believe the Father is a physical being. The Father doesn’t create, he just organizes what is there. Everyone is saved (I think) because of what Jesus did, however, what you do on this earth determines the quality of Heaven you will enter. Etc.

6. I wasn’t going to add this, but I found this fascinating. Mormons believe that we were alive and in perfect fellowship with the Father before we entered this life. How? Well, He had sex with the Heavenly Mother (or Mothers) and produced spirit children. So really, each human is the result of the Father having sex once (to produce us spiritually) and a father having sex once (to produce us physically). Extremely carnal (and explains Mormonism's early polygamy), but that is what you expect from a manmade religion.


            Mormons are not Christians. They are a cult. I would not advise that you call them that in person, because they hate it. They view themselves as Christians, and have backed down somewhat on the whole “we are the one and only true church”. 
            However, the fact that they believe that one day we can be equal to God is blasphemy. The same type spawned in Genesis 3:5 by Satan. That’s his bait. He says that by living a good life we can be gods (which is the exact reason why Satan got the boot from Heaven). Mormons swallow hook, line, and sinker.
            Also, Jesus was just a special human. Yes, he is a god to them, but no more than what you and I can be if we live a virtuous Mormon life. That is also blasphemy.
            Mormons can be good people. In fact, they generally are. However, they are not Christians because they deny the truth that we are not God. We will never be equal to the one and only God of this world, the maker (not just organizer) of the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1).

"Yahweh, He is God; there is no other besides Him" Deuteronomy 4:35.


P.S. Here are several good websites on the differences between Mormonism and Christianity:

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