Monday, March 24, 2014

Atheism: A Hopeless, Gray Worldview

  Ah, atheism. The religion that is sweeping the west. No God (supernatural, anyway), no absolute morals, just freedom.
            Yeah, uh, no. There’s a verse in the Bible (2 Peter 2:19) that talks about this “freedom”:
  They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.”
  (While this verse is talking specifically about false teachers, the truth behind it applies to atheism’s lies.)
  In that case, the false teachers are enslaved by the very “freedom” they think liberates them. In this case, proponents of atheism are enslaved by the “freedom” they think they enjoy.
            When you are free to do what you want (corruption), you really are not free because you were corrupt anyway. This freedom only leads to what you were before, just now with perceived impunity for the time being. 
  No, true freedom is found in christ. The freedom to break away from your old self, not embrace it. the freedom to do what you were made to do: glorify god.
  That is freedom.

How they explain the world around us

  They would say the world came from nothing. we are nothing but accidents. there is no higher purpose to life. the universe was a random accident; life was the result of luck. the typical evolutionary talk.
  Why is there good in the world? it is the result of biologically developed empathy. Somehow we learned to be good towards one another, like an ape will be good towards another ape.
  Why is there evil in the world? Well, it’s the result of natural selection and survival of the fittest. We kill because we have to (or want to). We rape because we have to (or... nevermind), etc.

Their belief in how the world started

  There was a singularity (the size of... nothing). This singularity then expanded into the universe as we know it. Eventually, gases condensed into the planets. Our earth was formed four or so billion years ago.
  Eventually, a pile of organic stuff was struck by lightning*. And the first cell was formed. But then a rock fell on it and the cell died.
  Just kidding.
  this first cell then reproduced and got more complex and yeah... here we are.

Their belief in how the world will end

  Eventually the universe will run out of energy. there will be no light. no heat. and some black holes (I think). everything will die.
  Cheery stuff, really.

their belief in what we should be doing in the mean time

  This is where things get a little inconsistent for the atheist. as i love to say, “Thank goodness atheists don’t live like atheists.” what do i mean by that? atheists don’t live like life is worthless, or absurd (as william lane craig puts it).
  atheists are often good citizens, good thinkers, and fine workers. if you ask them why, they’ll just say that they are like that because life is better when people are good. Or some variation of that.
  if an atheist was consistent, he would live like a dog. eat, drink, sleep, go to the bathroom, and procreate. Die, rinse, repeat.
  however, they don’t live like that, because they know there is more to life.

their differences from christianity

  Hmm, where to start. Christians hold to god. Atheists do not. Christians believe humans are more than animals. Atheists believe we are animals. Christians believe there is purpose and meaning to life, atheists do not.
            I could go on for awhile, but i'll stop.


  i didn’t write near as much about atheism as i could have. The reasons for this is: 1) it would make for a very long post, 2) I will be writing a lot about atheism in the future, 3) i just went on an inspiring missions trip over spring break and I want to blog on that.
  atheism as a religion is completely hopeless. it’s so depressing if you really dwell on it.
  while atheists can be tough cookies to deal with when it comes to philosophy, there are ways to reach them. love them in ways their loveless religion cannot. acts of kindness speak volumes, even when their hearts refuse the philosophical/theological arguments for christianity. in the end, we have to live like christ even when they don’t listen to our “X, Y, and Zs” of why christianity is the truth.

*Another theory is life began on crystals... because of the abundance of evidence that points to it, you know?

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