Thursday, April 3, 2014

Depart from Me: Answered Prayer

            I asked God, “Okay, so I know you can hear me. I’ve read all about it in the Bible. Is there any way I can know you are listening?”
            As I sat there, completely dejected, a friend came down to help see what I was up to (more like down to). I told this person a little bit about what I was feeling. I’ll never forget what she said.
            “My dad and most of my family isn’t saved. I used to cry all night long and for several days I was depressed. But I learned something. God is good.” Then she left.
            Now, I’d been listening the entire time, but the ending is what truly hit me.
            In my position, I won’t know or understand everything. I don’t completely understand why people have to go to Hell (of course, I get the whole “we rebelled from God and He has to punish us". I’m talking understand with my heart, not my brain).
            However, God is good. I can hold onto that even when my mind isn’t satisfied. I am a finite being; God is infinite. I won’t understand God because that is impossible in my human position. Goes with the job description, I guess.
            God answered my prayer. Though I still hate Hell, I understand that it is not God who wanted people to go there. God is good, and He is just. His goodness is the reason why I, a wretch beyond compare, am saved.

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