Friday, June 6, 2014

Reading Scripture with All Your Mind: Why Should I Read?

            Currently I am listening to a lecture by Walt Russell called “Reading Scripture with All Your Mind”. Now before you fall asleep, let me tell you some why this is such an important topic.
            Teens often say reading the Bible is boring. Though I beg to differ, I see their point. They read about crazy stories and weird theology… why? What is possibly in it for them?
            I confess I was the same way. That is, until I decided to stop playing “church kid” and actually enter into a loving, obedient relationship with my Creator. You see, when you love someone, you want to find out all about that person. You read what they read (unless they read boring theological and philosophical works… like me). You listen to their music. You listen to them (hopefully). You watch them. You… get the point.
            With God it is no different. When you are committing to an eternal relationship with Him, you want to grow closer to Him. He is your everything. You want to listen to Him. You want to know what He knows. You want Him to guide your steps.
            All of those things are possible through Bible reading and prayer (I’ll be focusing on the former). We see how He thinks and a glimpse of His vast knowledge. We see what makes Him happy and sad. We see how deeply He loves us.
           Why do we read the Bible? We read the Bible because we want our relationship with God to grow.

Okay, That’s Great… But…

            Okay, so you understand that Bible reading draws us closer to God. But still… what’s in it for me? Well, if the above reason doesn’t stir a desire in us to read the Bible, the following benefits won’t either. I’ll give them to you anyways.

1) One result of meditating on God’s word is found in the very first Psalms (verses 2-3):

            “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.
            He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”

            Though written in poetry, there are solid truths to be found within this beautiful Psalm. The first is that a man will be grounded and nourished. When winds of tribulations come, he won’t be moved because he is rooted. He won’t grow tired of life because he is always energized.
            Also, he will recognize opportunities given to Him by God. When God calls on him to bring fruit (i.e. be productive), he understands and obeys.

2) Another reason is found in Psalm 119:105:

            “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

            A person needs to know where he is going in life. Without this knowledge, he is basically useless because he can’t tell the difference between danger and opportunity. Is his next step leading him toward a pit or water? Well, don’t ask him because he has no clue.
            The Word of God is that lamp that illuminates our life.

3) James 1:23-25:

  For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. 
   For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.
   But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”

           The basic questions of life are answered in the Bible. Who am I? Why am I here? The Bible answers those things. It is the mirror that shows us ourselves in ways nothing else can. It is honest; it doesn’t distort images. You can find rest in the Word of God.

 4) I could go on for eternity on the benefits of reading the Word. There are so many. People have written books upon books on what happens when you delve into this Book.


            The reason why we read the Bible is to grow in our relationship with Him. But God didn’t us an obituary or a phone book to go through; He gave us a book that benefits us in all facets of our lives.
            Now in my next few posts I’ll be going through HOW we should read the Word. I’m not an expert (duh), but there are a few tips I’ve learned that I would love to share.

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