Sunday, July 27, 2014

Stillness and Freight Trains

            Life gets busy sometimes. Schedules are jammed full and often there is little time to reflect on what exactly is happening. Wake up, go somewhere. Get home hours later, then leave again to wherever else. Come home, go to sleep.
            In the craziness, we don’t stop to think. We can’t, really. Not with everything else we have to worry about, from friends to “I hope we are friends” to not enough sleep to not enough time. I just went through one of those times, and you can’t stop to prioritize and gather yourself.
            But then yesterday I read a part of a verse from Psalm 46 that hit me like a freight train: “Be still, and know that I am God” (verse 10).
            Before and after this verse, the author was praising God using beautiful imagery and lofty compliments. Pretty typical for the “praise” psalms. But nestled in the poetry was that little nugget that rocked my world at the moment.
            So you know what I did? I stopped. I swiveled around in my old leather desk chair. And I did absolutely nothing.
            I quickly noticed the light streaming through my dusty blinds (I do not like dusting, haha). I noticed all the sayings and quotes I’d hung up on my wall. I closed my eyes and noticed how silence truly is a sound. There is a depth to stillness, you just have to extract yourself from the bustle of life to notice it.
            That is truly what being still is about. Noticing your surroundings, the people around you, nature, your situation, and, above all, your Creator. Taking the time to step back and realize what life is all about.
            “Be still, and know that I am God”.

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