Friday, May 16, 2014

What Science Can't Tell You

            The god of the 21st century masses is science. Standing unthreatened, its prophets and preachers (scientists) deliver truth to the masses. Absolute truth. What is in those test tubes can’t lie, right?
            What you won’t ever hear from scientists is that science cannot tell you many things. There are things it can't explain or even begin to explore. But people today worship science as truth; they parade it as either: 1) the ONLY way to attain knowledge*, or 2) the knowledge attained through science is the best (surest) knowledge there is**.
            Now, I’m not knocking science. I’m an apologeticist wanna-be (enthusiast), and I love reading about how science confirms God and a young earth.
            However, people go through life thinking science is infallible. I’ll just be going over a few of the shortcomings of this field of knowledge.

*Strong empiricism/scientism. The belief that all knowledge is gained through observation. If something can't be learned from an experiment, it can't be known for sure.
**Weak empiricism/scientism. The belief that, yes, there are other ways of attaining knowledge. However, those fields (philosophy, theology, etc.) are inferior to science in terms of gathering knowledge. Also, the knowledge attained through these methods aren't as sure or trustworthy as knowledge gained through science.

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