Sunday, May 18, 2014

What Science Can't Tell You: Presuppositions

            The first thing science can’t explain is presuppositions (also known as postulates in geometry). These are basic facts about our existence that have to be true before we can even observe the world (i.e. do science). What are these presuppositions? There are many, but I will just give a few of my favorites:
  1. The world is logical, orderly, and consistent (follows the laws of logic)
  2. The world functions under the laws of science
  3. There is absolute truth (moral relativism aside)
  4. Our senses are accurate
            We take these truths for granted. However, they have to exist before we can even do science. Science can’t explain WHY these truths are there. If scientists tried to prove these things, it would sound like “our senses are accurate because we have used our senses and have found that they are accurate.” That’s the best science can do, and it would be circular reasoning.
            These facts presuppose (come before) science; science can’t turn around and explain why they are there.
            So what can explain these things? Enter philosophy and theology. Theology is the study of divine revelation and its implications, while philosophy is the study of the fundamental tenets of knowledge and thought. An individual’s worldview will try to explain why the world is the way it is using at least one of these methods.
            However, science can’t explain these things.

Umm, Why Should I Care?

            You may be thinking, “Why should I care about this?” The reason is that what you believe needs to be able to explain presuppositions. If it cannot, life is logically absurd.
            Take atheism, for example. It can’t explain ANY of these five. Why is the world orderly? Certainly not because of an explosion! Why does nature obey the laws of science? Not because of an explosion (which actually needs scientific laws before it can happen in the first place... but I digress). Why are our senses accurate? Not because lightning struck a pile of organic soup.
            Et cetera.
            Atheism is absurd because it can’t explain the foundations of our existence. Buddhism and Hinduism are the same way (sorta).
            If how we think is a building, it needs a foundation, right? Some are stronger than others.

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