Monday, December 16, 2013

(Is It Ever Okay to Sin? Post 1) It's All a LIE!

            Alrighty, I am done with the Strange Scriptures series. I might go back to the book in 

the future, but for now, I’ll write about another topic:

            Is it okay to sin (more specifically, to lie) in extreme situations if it saves lives?

            I recently had a discussion with a friend over this matter. We talked about the hypothetical 

Nazi/holocaust situation. What if I was hiding “enemies of the state” in my house (Corrie Ten Boom 

style), and Nazis came to my door? They demand to know if I am hiding anyone. What do I do? 

Lie to save lives, or tell the truth… and people die?


            What does the Bible have to say about situations like this? There are basically two Biblical 

accounts of history that pertain to this touchy subject: Rahab the harlot (Joshua 2) and the Egyptian 

midwives (Exodus 1). There also is a handy verse to keep in mind throughout this discussion. It will be 

in my next post.

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