Friday, January 10, 2014

Post 1: A Sick Culture

           This world is messed up. Just turn on the television. Turn on the radio. Go talk to 

people. As a friend of mine puts it, our society is full of “disease”. Unfortunately, Christians 

have been sucked into this society and molded by materialism. Now you can’t tell a 

Christian from a non-Christian. We’ve lost our saltiness (Matthew 5:13). Christians act, 

talk, and look like everyone else.

            Though, as usual, there are multiple ways of looking at this issue, it can come down 

to what we put in our minds and what we feel with our hearts. If we dwell on good things, 

our external image to nonbelievers will change because we will! But that’s jumping ahead. 

Let’s look at our culture, first.

            Think about the (somewhat) current batch of movies out there. Machete Kills 

(enough said, really). Hunger Games: Catching Fire (kids kill each other, etc.). Iron Man (a 

messed up guy messing around with women and killing others).

            Now, there are often positive elements to movies. I know that. But think about what 

are in these movies. Killing, sex, lying, and cheating. Worst of all, these things are glorified 

as the height of everything we should desire. Now let’s check out a different outlet our 

culture uses, music. Yeah, it won’t be any better.

            “Timber” by Pittbull (party scene, and you know what that entails…). “Counting 

Stars” by One Republic (relatively okay love song, actually). “Dark Horse” by Katy Perry 

(another sex and party song).

            Now contrast that to Philipians 4:8:

            “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest

whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely

whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise , 

think on these things.” (KJV, emphasis mine)

            As a friend of mine put it: if we WATCH what the world watches, if we LISTEN to 

what the world listens to, if we TALK like the world talks, and if we DRESS like the world 

dresses, we are the world. We are no different than they are!

            The question I pose for you (and myself): what do you think about? When everyone 

is quiet and nothing is happening, where does my mind float? If we aren’t thinking about 

things biblically or biblical things (that was fun to write), then we aren’t any different than 

the people God calls us to evangelize.

            The world is messed up, and Christians aren’t doing anything about it. We call them 

to follow Jesus as we head to the same parties they do. We tell them Jesus loves them as 

we sit down to watch illicit and violent movies. We tell them that Jesus is #1 in our lives as 

we listen to songs about how having a good time is #1 in our lives.

            Are you sensing a pattern here?

(Now, before someone can go to the other deep end, let me just say that no subject is off-

limits to think about. More in my next post. Also, I am far from perfect here. This is a 

wake-up call for me, too)

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