Monday, January 13, 2014

Abandon Christianity? Reason 2: Preying on the Innocent

            Next up on Christianity preys on the innocent (specifically 

children). This website specifically mentions how some Christians (Catholics, in the specific 

example given) tell children scary stories about the punishment for sins, and how this 

terribly affects children.

             Just like in my last "Abandon Christianity" post, I realize that this reason has 

nothing to do with whether Christianity is true or not. But oh well, here is my answer.

            Christians are not, and have never been perfect. Some Christian adults do use the 

“you’re going to Hell for your sins” method as their main way of trying to cajole children to 

obedience. This is wrong because it should be a child’s love for Jesus that spurs him to 

obedience, not a fear of Hell.

            But just like last time, this website still gets it wrong. Though Christians have 

preyed on children’s innocence (to force obedience, or else…), Christianity (i.e. doctrine, 

the Bible, etc.) does not. If Christianity is true, then there is a punishment for sins. Telling 

everyone about this punishment is merciful (as long as parents or others don’t use it for 

selfish purposes), for it is through this knowledge that people ask, “How can I avoid this 

punishment?” That’s an opening for Jesus, His love, and salvation if there ever was one.


            However, some non-Christians* go beyond the whole “Hell” thing with their 

definition of “preying on innocent children”. They believe that children should not be told 

about the supernatural at all. Then, when a child is old enough, he or she can learn about 

Christianity if he or she wants to know about it. They say that everything that pertains to 

God, not just the Hell aspect, preys on the innocent.

            By this definition, yes, Christians prey on the innocent. All Christian parents say 

something about the supernatural to their children, so they are all “guilty” of this.

            I am “A-okay” with preying on the innocent if it is defined in this way.

*Not Their definition, from what I gathered, is that “preying on the 

innocent” is telling children about Hell and punishment.

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