Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Religion of Atheism

           Atheism is growing. As the world becomes more and more anti-Christian, this 

religion and its cousin agnosticism will continue to become a force in the world. As always, 

we must be prepared to give an answer to atheists (1 Peter 3:15). What do atheists say 

about Christianity?

           On an atheist blog titled “Atheist Revolution”, I found that one of the goals of 

atheism is to break free from irrational belief and Christian extremism. I’m not going to 

give a link because there is some unfortunate content on it, but I hope to be in contact with 

more atheists via comments to some of the posts on the blog.

           In this series of blog posts, I will go through 20 reasons given in a webpage by to abandon Christianity (I found it by clicking on a link provided by 

the “Atheist Revolution”). It contains the usual “there are contradictions in the Bible” and 

“Christians are fear-monger-ers”, etc.


           But before I do that, it is essential to establish why atheism is just another religion. 

One of the definitions of "religion", defined in the dictionary given on my computer, is “a 

particular system of faith and worship”. Atheism has a system (or many) of faith, known 

variously as materialism (matter is all there is), naturalism (everything has a physical 

explanation), empiricism (all knowledge is gained through observation), etc. There is 

obviously some overlap between these three and the few others similar to them.

           These are thought and action systems in that they are the ultimate standards for 

atheists, and guide how they act. They are also based on faith because there is no way to 

prove them through observational science. Materialism cannot be proved through 

observational science because we have no way of knowing if there is, say, an angel living on 

Pluto or the sun. We have no way of knowing if materialism is true, but atheists assume it. 

They have faith that this belief system is true.

           Likewise naturalism cannot be proven through observational science. No human was 

here when the universe began, therefore we have no way of proving that everything has a 

physical, non-supernatural explanation. Again, it is an assumption atheists make on faith.

           Empiricism is amusing because it is self-refuting. If “all knowledge is gained 

through observation”, how can we observe the knowledge that “all knowledge is gained 

through observation”? If I can only know something I can observe, how can I know 

empiricism is true? No one can observe in a test tube or a monkey cage that “all knowledge 

is gained through observation”. If empiricism is true, we would never know it. (Now here is 

some logic:) If empiricism were true, it would be false. Chew on that one.

           I could go on with the couple other belief systems atheists have, but you get the 

point. 1) There is no way to prove that (insert system of thought) is true through 

observational science, therefore 2) the atheist must assume it on faith. Say, that sounds like 

a religion! Wait…

           Now for the second part (“worship”). You don’t have to go to a building and start 

singing or get on your knees to worship something. You worship something by simply 

placing it first in your life and living for it. If you put money first in your life, money is 

going to dominate your thoughts and actions. If you put relationships first, the same thing 


          Atheists have several potential gods. They can be more personal, such as money,  

relationships, narcissism (the self). Or they can be things like science (and scientists) or 

philosophy (human reasoning).

             Some atheists think that, because they don’t believe in the supernatural, they’re not

part of a religion. No sir, they are just joining the Greeks before them.

           Now for the “20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity”. This will be fun.

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