Friday, January 10, 2014

Post 2: The Other Extreme

           In my last post, I talked about one extreme our culture participates in: anything is 

allowed. Some Christians (and some non-Christians), in response, go to the other extreme: 

nothing is allowed. This post is geared towards this extreme. Philipians 4:8 still applies, 

but not as stringently.

           The Bible is violent. The Bible talks about sexuality and rape, theft and and murder. 

Obviously Paul doesn’t mean that we can't allow or think about anything that could 

potentially be negative. But when we think, are we looking at things the way God does? 

When we think of sex, are we thinking about some hottie (lust) or how God wants us to 

save it for marriage (purity)? When we think about relationships, are we thinking about 

getting what we want (selfishness) or how to put the other person first (honor)?

           The world isn’t perfect, therefore we won’t always think about perfect things. But no 

matter what is going on in our minds, it can be looked at biblically (and therefore allowed). 

Look at the cross! It is the height of our rebellion against God (and very violent to boot), 

but we are to focus on the sacrifice God made for us.

           Nothing is off-limits to think about, really. Rape, murder, sex, theft, people, etc. But 

it is how you think of these things  determines whether or not it passes Philipians 4:8 (last 

post). It is also how you look at these things that will determine your conduct and feelings, 

which, in turn, will determine the image you project to non-believers. 

           Everything's connected if you think about it. It all starts with what we put in our 


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