Friday, November 8, 2013

It Begins

            Ooh, you might be thinking. What’s this all about?

            The short answer is: the Bible. I know what you’re thinking. What a loser! The Bible is a bunch of (insert whatever comes to mind).

            But for those of you who are still here, let me be more specific.

            "There Is Only One Bible" was created so that anyone and everyone could either A) take his or her best shot at the Bible, B) find answers to questions about the Bible, or C) find out about what the Bible has to say about certain subjects.

            Examples of A would be, “The Bible was written by a bunch of losers in the 20th century and you are so retarded.” Examples of B would be, “How could a loving God…?” Examples of C would be, “What does the Bible say about the age of the earth?”

            The Bible has come under attack multiple times, and it still survives. So why did I create the blog? Being a teenager, I sympathize with other teens that are in tough situations. They go to their church and they learn about Bible stories. They go to school and they learn “the truth.” Perplexed, they go to their parents or pastors for answers. Both parties either don’t have answers or say to believe the atheistic school systems.
            I just gave you the general reasons for this blog. Digging deeper, it is for those who do not know what to believe. I’m here to tell you that the Bible is true; it has withstood every attack. It can be defended. It just needs people to be willing to take a stand for it.

            (Update on 1/9/14: I changed the blog name from "There Is Only One Bible" because I thought it was kinda lame. Originally, I wanted to name this blog "Lightning Rod", but that was already taken :/ "Two Sides to a Sword" is Biblical and cool, so it passes :)

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