Friday, November 8, 2013

The One and Only (Besides Everyone Else)

Who am I?
            My name is Spencer. I am a teenager, as of now. I am homeskoolt ;p I love the Bible and its Author passionately. I created the blog to defend it and Him and to start relatively civilized discussions on it.
            What do I like to do? I love to read, play sports, play piano for various purposes (but not all purposes), go outside and exercise, debate (informally) with anyone who cares to debate with me, yo-yo, and throw knives (was I being parallel with all of those clauses? I always worry about that). Anyhoo, I know those last two were random. I’m sure I could come up with more things I enjoy doing if I spent more time thinking on it.
            As for a physical description, I am short (relatively). I have brown hair. People debate on what eye color I have. I say it is grey, but others say it is light green or very light blue. It is actually a fairly common debate, to my amusement/resignation. Who wants people peering deeply into your eyes when you are trying to talk about something? I’ll be talking about sports to someone and someone will be staring into my eyes. I pause, wondering if I said something wrong. This person will then say, “What color are your eyes?” *Sigh*
            A quick (and obvious) disclaimer: I am not an expert. I do not know everything. I may not always answer every question in the most satisfactory way. Can I be wrong? Yes. I am simply a teenager going against the flow by siding with the Bible.

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