Friday, November 8, 2013

My Positions

            I really didn’t want to do this. I was thinking, “Well, I want to come across as the most unbiased person possible.” Then I realized I wanted my readers to believe a lie. Something I’ve learned in my young life is that everyone is biased. People think that they can just look at the evidence (whatever it may be) by itself and come to the most accurate conclusion. If I were being nit-picky, I would mention that this is a (false) bias by itself. But enough of that. What positions do I hold?

  Creationism or evolutionism? I am a creationist.
  Predestination or free-will? I do not, as of now, hold a definitive position here, but I am leaning towards predestination. In an either/or debate, I will take that position.
  Pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation? Again, just like the above debate, I do not now take a definitive stand unless forced. I am leaning towards post-tribulation.         

            Those are some of the most contested issues that arise from reading/studying the Bible. If there are other major issues I missed, let me know in the comment section.

            (Update on 1/10/14:

• Cessationist or non-cessationist (or somewhere in between)? I lean towards non-cessationism. I believe all the gifts of the Spirit are still with us besides apostleship, which died when the apostles died (obviously). Cessationists hold that some of the gifts have ceased to exist. Then there are those in the middle, who take a "I won't say for sure, but most likely certain gifts have left" position.)

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