Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why I Am Not Paul

            One of the most infuriating verses, for me, is 1 Corinthians 10:31:

            “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (NIV)

            Why does it drive me crazy? For one, it pops up at the worst times. I’ll be talking back to my parents or gossiping about a coworker… and this thing will just enter my mind.  Who does it think it is? I didn’t give it permission. Talk about ANNOYING. 
            Another reason this verse is difficult is that it is HARD. Life is filled with the mundane and non-fun things. Driving in a car. Eating. Sleeping. Cleaning dishes. Correcting siblings (and receiving correction from siblings). How can you glorify God through these things?
            So it’s during those moments I’ll wish Paul was present so I could give him a stern talking-to about practicality. Because, you know, I know everything there is to know about everything.
            Paul understood something that took me an eternity to learn: you don’t have to be doing something TO God to be doing something FOR Him. The focus is on the “why” behind the activity, not the actual activity.
            Why am I driving in a car? To get to a place, either home or away, where I can be a light to those around me and serve God.
            Why am I eating? So that I can live another day to serve God, and do so with energy.
            Why am I sleeping? So that I can live another day to serve God, and do so with energy.
            Why am I doing dishes? To respect and obey authority (whether my bosses at work or my parents at home), thereby glorifying God.
            Why do I correct my adorable siblings (and receive correction from them )? So that we can learn not to make the same mistakes, resulting in living a more godly life.
            Not everyone can be a monk, with 95% of his daily activities involving doing something directly TO God (singing, praying, meditation, etc.). If every Christian was like that, Christianity would be in trouble.
            But every Christian can do everything FOR God and His glory. This, and for a ton of other reasons, is why it’s Paul who is the author of many New Testament books, and not me. I'm still learning daily!

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