Saturday, August 16, 2014

You Know What?

            You know what? Life is depressing. People are dying. Kids are being killed by wackos. Weird diseases are wreaking havoc. Divorce rates are at 50% (!). People are unhappy. People are depressed. Life is gloomy.
            And that makes me sad.
            But then the other day I received a very nice compliment. And you know what? It was amazing. I was floating. Life was great. I was happy.
            So recently I thought about the contrast. Was a kind word enough to combat all the world’s mess? Did it somehow make the world a better place? No… kids are still dying and divorce rates are still about 50% higher than they should be.
            Then what’s up? What’s up, my friends, is the power of words. In the midst of a negative world, people are dying to hear that they are doing something right. That they matter. That something they do or some quality they have is good in a bad world.
            Contrary to what some think, people desperately care what others think of them. Often this is damaging (the world is negative, remember), but this can be used for good.
            So look around. LOOK AROUND. There are people everywhere in need of a kind word. Maybe it’s a family member or a friend. Maybe it’s a stranger.
            Ladies and gentlemen, words are powerful. They start wars. They end lives. But you know what? They can make a difference for good. They can start dreams. They can save lives. They can spread happiness throughout a dark world.
            Words are weapons or tools. Let’s build up others. Let’s let the sun through. But watch out, things will get a little brighter.

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