Saturday, November 15, 2014


            So I’m reading a book about being content. And I’m annoyed. Because whenever I read these types of books I get kicked in the booty. Hard. I don’t like that.
            I like to believe that everything is fine in my own little world and I am living exactly how I should. Until God shows me I’m not… and then I’m annoyed because I know I should change. That’s annoying and really inconvenient. 
            Did I tell you I’m annoyed right now?
            Basically, the author is saying that we need to be satisfied with what we have. But that is so… un-American. You mean I’m actually supposed to be happy with where I am in life? Say it ain't so.
            He also said that if we live in America (as I do), then most likely we have something called “more than enough”. He doesn’t want his readers to feel guilty about this, but just know that you shouldn’t be complaining if you fit in this category. 
            Also, if you are in this category, you need to use this position to give more of what you have to others. Whaaaaa? I don’t like that part. Money? Give it. Time? Give it. Possessions? Give it.
            This is why I’m annoyed. I know he’s right, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. He gave me a test to show the condition of my heart… and the results aren’t good.
            Because I’m annoyed, I think you should be too. Do you have more than you need? If so, you are in the category of “more than enough”, just like me. If you are in this category, think about how you can use what God’s given you for things bigger than yourself. You’ve been blessed, now spread the blessings to others!

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