Saturday, November 1, 2014

Lord and Savior

            I was thinking about my faith recently. I had just finished whining about something minor in my life. I had just finished worrying about a test. I had just finished being in a bad mood about something or another.
            I symbolically took my faith in my hands and looked at it. What in the world is the use of my relationship with Jesus if I don’t TRUST Him?
            I can answer my own rhetorical question. My faith isn’t worth very much. Jesus didn’t become Lord of my life to have me worry about what He controls.
            I guess the whole point of this post is for you and me to evaluate our relationship with God. Do we trust Him to do what He says He’ll do? So maybe life is falling in around you. Your friends are driving you crazy and your car decided to break down. That’s when you realize how much your faith means to you.
            Let Him do His thing. He’ll work everything out, just relax and fall in His arms. Jesus has taken care of many before us, and will take care of many after us. He’s done this “Lord and Savior” thing before, you know.

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