Friday, October 31, 2014

Let's Fight

            As I’m watching what’s going on in this country, I’m saddened. No, scratch that, I’m angry. You wanna know why I’m angry?
            There are tons and tons of Christians, Catholics, and Christian cult (Mormon, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.) members in this country. In terms of pure numbers, we should be a force. But we aren’t.
            The atheists are being more impactful than we are, and the theists of this country blow them out of the water numerically. The atheists are winning court battles and campaigning and getting their gospel out.
            We proceed to sit on our rears.
            What happened to fighting? I don’t know about you, but standing up for the faith gets my adrenaline pumping. But right now we don’t have a nation of Christian fighters, but Christian pacifists.
            Now, I’m not talking about war pacifism. I’m talking about action pacifism. We look at our receding liberties and say, “Bummer.” Never mind that we have the numbers on our side. Never mind that this country has a Christian history.
            No, we see our nation being turned atheistic and we are… okay with it. “Eh, whatever happens, happens.” We seem to forget that Christianity is the center of Christianity in terms of impact. America sends out the most missionaries. America gives the most money. America is where many of the great Christian scholars, theologians, philosophers, preachers, and writers are. The best Christian charity organizations are based in this country.
            If this country turns atheistic, ALL of that disappears. Our liberties to do all the amazing things we’ve done will be gone. We’ll have to go underground, just like the believers in the Middle East and Asia.
            Let’s fight while we still have the numbers. Get involved. There are many Christian organizations trying to wake America up and they would love to have you. Get ready, these next few years are going to be rough. Will you take a stand?

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