Sunday, October 26, 2014

Flying in New Chains

            I was talking to a friend the other day about how a person should go about living his life. He told me, “Yeah, I know about all that God stuff. I know you actually live how you’re supposed to. But if I live like you, I can’t do what I want. It’s restricting.”
            I thought about what he said. He’s absolutely right. Living for God is extremely restricting.
            Then I compared him to me a few years ago. I was at a cross roads in my life. I was tired of doing the church thing. I was a good kid. I got good grades. I was good at sports. I was good at life. I was good at being a Christian, you could say.
            And I was tired of it all. It was just empty.
            I looked around and thirsted for something that actually mattered. I wanted purpose and meaning. I realized that the only place I hadn’t looked was up.
            So I made a deal with God. “Lord, make my life matter. Make me into something that has some value, because living to live is worthless. Living to go through the motions is so empty. I don’t want to act at being a Christian. I want to live life with a fire.”
            God pointed me to Himself. As our Creator, He made us with instructions. Only if we follow them will our lives be successful. But we never do.
            Would you use a lawnmower to cut a birthday cake? Of course not. Then why do we use our bodies and our talents and our time to live for ourselves? Those were not their purposes. And we wonder why we wander aimlessly.
             We aren’t following the directions. We aren’t living the reason we are on this earth.

Back to My Friend

             As I was listening to my friend, this came to me. As God has been molding me, He has restricted me. I’m not going to lie. I can’t do everything everyone else does.
             It’s been the most freeing thing I’ve ever experienced.
             Because, while God has closed the door to the world’s pleasures, He has opened up His. It’s like going from baby food to steak.
             Endless cycles of empty relationships? No. Harmful sexual intimacy before marriage? No. Drugs? No. Living for the next high? No.
             But does anything better replace these things? The answer is yes. A burning passion for life? Yes. Impacting your world? Yes. Helping others and making a difference wherever you are? Yes. A joy and a peace and a purpose? Yes. A deep love for God and those around you? Yes.
             The world dangles play toys in front of us to hold us back. To keep us from living greater. These “kid’s meal” toys are holding my friend back because he can’t see the better life God has for him.
             God has His arms open. When you come to Him fully, completely, He’s there to hold you. He gives you what you need. He’ll give you a life greater than what you had in store for yourself.
             God does restrict you from living an empty life. But these restrictions lead you to turn to Him. Once you do that and let this world go, that’s all she wrote.
              It’s a wild ride. Get started and hang on.

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