Friday, October 17, 2014

He Got This

            “Be ye perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48, KJV).
             Ladies and gentlemen, that is the standard Jesus gives us. God is perfect, therefore we are to be perfect. Let’s do this thing! That’s great and all, but then you look in the mirror and you’re like, “Yeah, uh, not happening.”
             Why would God hold us to something that is impossible? I’m not perfect, and I’ve yet to meet someone who is.
             It’s just not fair. And I think that’s the point. You think you are “good enough” to get into Heaven? Well, are you perfect? That’s what it takes.
             Jesus was living in the times of the Pharisees; the ultimate legalists who created rules on tops of rules so that they could “make it”. The religions of today, from Islam to Buddhism, are no different.
             The Creator of the Universe raises His hand to His shoulders and says, “You have to reach here to make it.” We don’t have a shot.
             That’s where Jesus steps in. He tells us, “Get on my back and I’ll make it for you. I’ll be the perfection you need.”
             So from one imperfect person to another, I can tell you to stop trying. You aren’t going to make “it”, because “it” is so high you can’t even begin to imagine. Just relax and trust that Jesus got this.

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