Friday, October 24, 2014

Something's Wrong

            How are we living? I mean, I look around and I just don’t know. I look at what we call church in America, and compare it to Acts 2. Something’s wrong.
            I look at how I spend my time. Then I look at the results of how I spend my time. Something’s wrong.
            I look at how Christians talk. Then I read Proverbs and James 3. Something’s wrong.
            I see how Christians treat each other and non-Christians. Then I look at Jesus. Something’s wrong.
            I look at how men are living today, with little leadership and responsibility. I then see David after he messed up with Bathsheba. Something’s wrong.
            I look at myself. Something’s wrong.

What Are We Doing?

            I look around and see the world isn’t how it should be. Christians aren’t who they should be: saintly sinners. Or sinning saints. People who are honest with their mistakes but still setting the example for others to follow.
            I realized that there is only one truth in the world. One right way. If we stray from this, we’ll get what we have now. A world of missed opportunities and wasted lives.
            This truth is God and His divine revelation. He gives us what we need to live a productive, fulfilling life. He gives us guidelines that we can follow by His power. He is Jesus, the man we can emulate. He is Jesus, the God who defeated this world because we couldn’t.
            So open up the dusty book. The book that has changed the world and set fires in the hearts of believers in every age. It will get you on the right path. Mold your life to the Truth.

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