Thursday, October 30, 2014

Take a Stand

            One of my favorite superheroes is Superman. Besides being pure awesomeness, he has a sign that stands for something I hold very tightly to: hope. No, the “S” does not mean “Superman”, but something much bigger.
            I’ve always been enamored with hope. Something about what it represents just grabs me. I’ve been thinking about it. Why does hope matter so much to me?
            I realize it’s because hope is everything my life stands for. Why I’m here. What I’m supposed to bring. Who I try to serve.
            I’m a Christian. I represent a kingdom that hasn’t come in all its glory quite yet. I hope to be here when it arrives.
            I’m a Christian. I serve a King who made the Universe. He’s coming to reign and make everything perfect again.
            I’m a Christian. I’m here to bring the good news of my King’s return. I’m to tell people how they can enter that kingdom.
            I’m a Christian. I model a man who wasn’t just a man. I model a man who is the way, the life, and the truth. I mirror His image and how He lived. At least I try to.
            I’m a Christian. I stand for hope.

Look Around

            One of my favorite things I tell people to do is look around. This world is hopeless. Wars, rumors of wars, hunger, disease, narcissism, theft, murder. It needs hope.
            We can be the world’s hope. When people look at us and see the joy we have, they’ll wonder what’s up. "What is in you that makes you like that?" "What do you have that I don’t?" This and more will be running through their minds as they contemplate going through another day in their currently worthless life.
            As Christians, we know the world we live in isn’t it. There’s a better one coming, and we live for it. We grind for a nation that will soon rule, and won’t ever pass.
            So how can you be hope? If you have troubled friends, come alongside them and tell them it’s going to be okay. You are here for them because Jesus is here for you.
            Be encouraging. Don’t leave compliments unsaid; you’ll never know when they might make someone’s day.
            Be cheerful. Unless you have a reason to be down, stay upbeat! The energy you bring to your surroundings is needed, believe me.
            Be there. People just want to know someone cares for them. Let those around you know that you are always there if they want to talk.
            You can change your corner of the world. If enough people change their situation, we’ll have a changed world. I don’t know about you, but that’s something to hope for.

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