Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I'm with Him

            Gunmen burst into the room. They surround everyone. One of them walks up to you with his gun aimed at your head. He asks your friend next to you, “Is this person a Christian?”
            If he/she was honest, what would your friend say?

I’m with Him

            This type of situation has happened several times. Police in other countries ask the Christians they capture for names of other Christians. If that ever happened in this country, would you be turned in?
            If your coworkers were interviewed, would they say you were a Christian? What about your fellow students? What about your friends?
            Who do you identify with? When you speak, who do you represent? When you dress, what do you glorify? When you act, what messages are you sending? If people knew what dominated your thoughts, would they turn you in?
            Jesus makes it clear how many choices we have. Matthew 12:30 states:

            "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad."

            It’s simple, really. We are either living for this earth or for eternity. We are either living for our own desires or the King of Kings.
            Who are you with?

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