Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Teens, Welcome to Reality

            The more I’m around teens, the more I realize that we complain a lot. We complain about school and sports and people life in general. Someone better call the WAAAaaaambulance, because we need it.
            Often, we complain about our parents.
            Our parents intentionally embarrass us. They purposefully annoy us. They don’t let us do everything we want to do. They tell us what not to do. They tell us the same thing a million times. They make a ton of mistakes.
            Our culture (especially the television) says to get  revenge. So we mercilessly mock them. We ignore and intentionally disobey them. We whine a ton. We think it’s justified.
            It’s not. Let’s go for a Job-versus-God-style question and answer beat-down.

Taking Teens to Task

            Where were you over a decade ago when your parents were up all night? Oh yeah, you were that whining sack of flesh keeping them up!
            Where were you over a decade ago when your parents had to then go about their day working and maintaining the home while looking like zombies? You were sleeping.
            Where are you when your parents spend a fortune in gas shuttling brats everywhere? You’re in the car getting ready to enjoy whatever activity you’re going to.
            What are you doing when your parents look at the phone bill? Texting, that’s what.
            What are you doing when your parents have to pay for everything you can’t? Probably not trying to pay them back!
            Where were you the many nights when your parents were up worrying about you for some reason? Off doing the thing that worried them, of course!
            What are you doing when your parents have a crazy messy house? Most likely you aren’t cleaning it!

That Was Fun!

            Looking back at what I’ve just written, I realize I had a blast writing that. Yes, parents aren’t perfect. But we can’t act like we are, either. This kicks me whenever I want to complain about my parents.
            My parents have spent so much on me in terms of money and time and other resources. This, combined with the fact that I make tons of mistakes, means I can’t go whining about my parents when I feel like it without looking kinda stupid.
            Oh, and parents have the ultimate trump card:  they didn’t have to have any of us.

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