Monday, September 8, 2014

Shove It

            “Just !@#$ it.”
            I don’t know how many times I've heard this recently. Such is the attitude of this generation. We don’t care. And we care to tell you we don’t care. But really, we don’t care if you care.We tell you to “(beep) off” and we do so proudly.

How We Got Here

            Up until between 1600-1800s, Christianity was the standard. It was the worldview that allowed for absolutes in morality, logic, math, and science among other things. People could be sure of life, because their foundation (Christianity) allowed for surety.
            But then this thing called humanism appeared on the scene. It told us not to look to God for the absolutes He’s given us. But no, look within. Using reason and observation (science), we could come up with absolutes in life ourself without God’s help. Man is the center of the universe. God was dethroned.
            Once humanism took over, everything had to have a makeover. Science, morality, logic, everything. Why? Because a lot of the knowledge gathered up until humanism was discovered using the Bible as the starting point, and therefore the God of Christianity was heavily involved.
             That was unacceptable! Everything had to be start over. Science went from young earth creationism to atheistic or theistic evolution. Logic went from absolutes to relativism. Morality followed logic.
            But there was one problem.

Man’s Downfall

            The problem with man is that he doesn’t know everything. In fact, he knows very little. He also doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.
            So when we tried to find truth from within us (as opposed to relying on the foundations set by an omniscient God), we couldn't be sure of anything we found. Why? We didn’t know if there was anything else out there that would contradict what we just “discovered”. We couldn’t be sure of any knowledge.
            This leads to depression, because how does it feel to not know anything? It hurts, and that’s the result of humanism. When you start with man instead of God, you end up with hopelessness. You can’t be confident in anything.
            So when people were faced with either returning to the absolutes and security found in Christianity or continuing in the bleakness that is humanism, they jumped back to Christianity. They returned to absolutes, and life was great once again.
            Just kidding. The monster that is relativism was created.

What’s True for You…

            Because humanism led to the result that we can’t be sure of anything, that means there is no right or wrong. We wouldn’t be able to know which was which!
            Oh, did the younger generation love that.
            With relativism, mankind finally had the excuse to live how it wanted to. Believe me when I say that there have always been sinful people living sin-filled lives, but these people had to keep things secret because there were others that could legitimately judge them using Christianity. They knew what they did was wrong (because things could be wrong in those days), so they tried to hide it.
            But with relativism, there was no need to cover anything because everything was allowed. With no absolutes, you were fine as long as you were more powerful than the people who disagreed with you! Man finally had the justification he craved to live how he wanted.

Full Circle

            So what does that have to do with my introduction? Everything. With relativism there is no point to life. No purpose. No hope. Don’t tell me what to do because there is no reason for me to listen to you. I don’t care because there is no reason to care. There is no right or wrong.
            I am the center of the universe. I start and end with me. I am the humanistic dream.

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