Monday, September 22, 2014

Look Good Looking Bad

            This post was inspired by a car commercial. I will admit that. If you watch football, you may have seen it. It was about a world where everyone followed a boring script and there was little creativity or awesomeness.
            Somewhat predictably, an amazing car comes in and blows everyone’s mind away. The car deviated from the script, allowing you to do the same. If only you had it.
            Ladies and gentlemen, you don’t need an expensive car to break from the script.

Where’d the Kid Go?

            All of us were children once. I think. I mean, with some people you just really don’t know. But most of us were kids once.
            And you know the greatest things about children? They don’t care about anything. They just want to be silly and goof off and be spontaneous. The world is fun waiting to happen.
            But then, for some reason, when the kid grows up… he grabs a script and lives off it. Worried about image, he lives his life held back because *gasp* others might not like him being himself: the carefree fun-loving person he is on the inside.
            So, with script firmly in hand, the fun stops. The image-protecting begins.

But the Kid Is Still There

            But the real you still lives. The goofy “I just spilled water all over myself and it’s 20º outside and I’m laughing about it while I freeze” you didn’t die. The silly “I’m bee-bopping to a fun song around a bunch of strangers” you didn’t disappear. The “oh look, an imaginary hopscotch thingy is right there!” you is still there.
            But to unleash the kid inside you, you have to first stop caring about this thing called image. WHO CARES what people think of you? As long as you are mature about your choice of fun, go for it. Be silly.

Looking Good Looking Bad

            Let me tell you a dirty little secret: when you stop caring about image and just be yourself, people will envy you. They still have their boring scripts in their hands… and they don’t like it. They just like blending in with the crowd too much to let it go.
            I’ll also let you in on something else: it’s okay (even fun) to look bad! To just spontaneously try something and fail epically. Because when you are having the time of your life, you look good looking bad. And your friends will love you even more.
            Throw the script in the trash. Be the kid you are on the inside. Be goofy and spontaneous. Let the world be fun once again.

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