Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Work Hard, Enjoy Harder

            As I am going back over my previous posts, I realize something. I’ve been sad as I’ve written some of them, so they’ve been downright gloomy. That’s not very fun, is it?
            So this post is going to be a change-up. My advice to you? Party hard, because the Bible says so.
            Say whaaaaat?

When a Wise Man Tells You to Party…

            Solomon writes: “There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God” (Ecclesiastes 2:24, KJV).
            In case you miss the memo, he writes basically the same thing in Ecclesiastes 3:12-13, 5:18-19, and 8:15. Solomon writes that we need to have a good time and enjoy the results of our life.
            We all work in some way. We work at or for our jobs, our schools, our sports teams, our families, and our other relationships. Our lives are work from when we are born till the day we die.
            Do you enjoy the fruits of your work? Do you celebrate the successes in your life? Or do you either focus on your failures or look ahead to the next thing you have to do?
            Stop and smell the roses. Enjoy yourself. Look around and appreciate everything you’ve fought hard for. Think "Wherever We Go" by the Newsboys.
            Did you get a good score on a test? Celebrate! Did you have a successful work day? Celebrate! Is a particular friendship unusually strong at the moment? Go out and have fun. Are you tight with someone in your family after previous hardships? Enjoy it.
            Do you enjoy the good of your labour? God wants you to. Work can be drudgery, so notice the small victories. Make memories. Don’t look back at the end of your life and wish you would've enjoyed it more.
            When the wisest man of all time tells you to party, it’s best to listen to him.

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