Saturday, September 13, 2014

One Day Too Late

            As time goes by, you understand that very few things are constant. The one thing you can count on is change. People come and go. Friends, too. Homes and jobs and everything else. But there may be someone in your life that has always been there for you.
            Have you let that person know how much he or she means to you?
            When you were crying, this person was there. When you were laughing, he was there for you. When life was a roller coaster, he was the rock you could count on.
  The song “One Day Too Late” by Skillet inspired this post. Part of it goes:

            Tick tock hear my life pass by
            I can't erase and I can't rewind
            Of all the things I regret the most I do
            Wish I'd spent more time with you

            Here’s my chance for a new beginning
            I saved the best for a better ending
            And in the end I'll make it up to you, you'll see
            You'll get the very best of me

            Truly a beautiful song. There are people in your life that you couldn’t live without. Do you let them know that? Do you let them know they mean the world to you?
             I’m getting a little misty-eyed as I think of this. So many people have affected my life and I never let them know it. There are so many people who feel worthless and unappreciated, and all they need is a kind word letting them know that everything they’ve done matters.
             Let them know now, before it’s one day too late.

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