Saturday, September 20, 2014


           As I just looked at my blog, I realized that “3-D” was my 100th post. Now, is that a big deal? Well, for me it is. When I first thought about starting a blog, I asked myself, “Nathan, who would read this? Why would anyone care about your opinions? You’re just a teen.” I almost stopped after those thoughts.
            But keeping all my thoughts in my mind was like a mini-prison (or, with the size of my brain, a microscopic prison ;). I wanted to get everything down in some form; I needed to do something.
            So I gave an inch. I STARTED the blog. But I kept it to myself. I wrote it for reference material. Something I could come back to later in life if I ever needed anything.
            But then I realized something. When I wrote, not only was it a release for me, it was a source of joy. I am happy whenever I write (unless I am writing about a topic that saddens me). Maybe, just maybe, my writing could bring others joy.
            I also thought that writing about life and the Bible could be a catalyst for others to think through the tough things. Maybe it will spur others form their own opinions that are based off God’s Word. Maybe my posts can spark deep thoughts and great conversations.
            Maybe it can just… help.
            So, to quote an extremely over-used song, I let it go. I sent my blog to friends and posted it on social media. If it helped me personally to think through and write about my life, maybe reading my writing could help others.

This Is for You

            So if you’ve read this blog and have been affected in any way, this blog has been worth it. You don’t have to agree with what I write. I know I don’t know it all, or even that much. But if my blog has caused you to think a little deeper about life and the Bible, then everything I’ve done has been worth it.
            Life can get monotonous. Sometimes it can get sad and frustrating and angering. But this blog has been a safe haven for me. Maybe it can be something to you in some way.
            I know people read my blog. I don’t know how many, but I know there are some. And I know you read it. So this post is for you. Hopefully there will be better posts to come.
            Maybe. I can’t make any promises. But I can thank you for reading. Here's for a hundred more.

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